Welcome Back Letter

To our Drs. Monroe & Monroe Patients:

We hope that you and your families are doing well during this crazy time. We have missed you all and look forward to seeing your smiling faces again soon… and resuming normal life again!

On May 18th, we will begin the gradual reopening of our office. As you all know we have always followed the recommendations of the ADA, the CDC and OSHA when it comes to our practices of safety and sanitation. We have always practiced universal precautions and take the safety of our staff and patients very seriously. As we open, you will see some additional interim measures that will be taken while we are still battling this virus as a community.

Some of these measures are the following:

  • We will be reducing our schedules, allowing more time between patients so that patients will not have interaction with other patients in the office.
  • We will be calling prior to your appointment to screen you before your visit to ensure it is safe for you to come into the office. You can find the questions on our website.
  • We will screen you again, including a temperature check, and ask you to sign a screening document upon your arrival.
  • We will ask all patients to call us when you have arrived in our parking area, and ask that you remain in your car until we contact you to come up for your appointment. If you are walking, we ask you to remain outside of the office until we contact you to come in.
  • We will have, and ask you to use, hand sanitizer as you enter our office.
  • We request teens and adults come unaccompanied unless assistance is needed. Children may be accompanied by one adult. Other guests will be asked to wait in the car or outside the building.
  • We will perform daily COVID-19 risk screening and temperature checks for all employees prior to entering our workspace.
  • All of our staff including the front office will be wearing face masks. Our treatment staff will also be wearing face shields.
  • In addition to our already stringent practices of sterilizing our treatment rooms after every single patient, we will also be cleaning our common areas more frequently throughout the day.
  • We will be using a suction mouthpiece and a nasal mask scavenger on every patient where possible, to reduce the amount of aerosols produced. This method isolates the tooth or teeth being worked on and seals off the remainder of the oral cavity.
  • We will be calling those patients that are currently on the schedule and that we missed while we were shut down. We definitely will understand if you want to postpone until a later date, just please understand that when things have calmed down and opened back up we will have a large number of patients to get in, so we will ask you to be patient with us as we try to get you back in as quickly as we can.

We look forward to seeing you again! Thank you for being our wonderful patients!

Please fill out the below forms prior to your visit and bring them with you!

Drs. Kamron & Clement Monroe and the rest of our Team