Fight Dry Mouth at Home

A dry mouth can feel sticky and uncomfortable, but this condition can put your oral health at risk too. You can save time and money by reducing your chances of major dental damage when you avoid dry mouth.

If you pay attention to your smile, you can take these preventative measures on your own, though you should continue to visit your dentist for routine appointments. Read on to learn three ways that you can lower your risk of dry mouth and alleviate related discomfort from the comfort of your own home.

preventative dental care Pinehurst North Carolina

Tips for Preventing Dry Mouth

Drink Plenty of Water

The best way to avoid dry mouth is to stay hydrated. And the ideal way to maintain adequate hydration levels is to drink plenty of water. Dentists and other health professionals agree that you should drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water every day.

If you drink coffee, tea, or another type of beverage known to dehydrate you, you should compensate by drinking extra water along with it. If you become dehydrated, you may get dry mouth.

This creates an environment where bacteria can spread with ease across your teeth. You can heighten your risk for oral infections like gum disease, which will need intervention from a dentist to treat.

Dentists emphasize preventative care when it comes to gum health. You can stave off gum disease by staying hydrated and drinking water.

Chew Sugar-Free Gum

Dry mouth occurs when saliva production decreases, whether due to dehydration or other factors. If you notice dry mouth symptoms, you can encourage saliva formation by performing a chewing movement with your mouth.

A great way to stimulate this is to chew sugar-free gum. You will want to choose this type of gum because sugary foods can become acidic in your mouth. This will erode the enamel of your teeth and increase your risk of cavities.

This action can create saliva in the mouth to fight dry mouth and prevent major dental problems. The food items used to stimulate this act will factor into your oral health as well, so choose wisely.

Evaluate Environmental Factors

Sometimes your outside environment can contribute to your dry mouth symptoms. If you notice common factors near you when you experience dry mouth, consider altering your environment to treat this oral problem.

For instance, dry air can commonly lead to dry mouth in patients. If you must be in a room with dry air, such as during sleep, you may want to purchase a humidifier. This device adds moisture to the air which can reduce your likelihood of developing dry mouth.

If precautionary efforts on your own do not resolve dry mouth, contact your dentist and schedule an appointment. Persistent dry mouth could signify a larger dental issue and put your oral health in danger. Your dentist can examine your smile and diagnose and treat the issue.