Teeth Grinding: What to Know

October 29, 2021 Published by

The stressful events of the last 18 months have often led to an increase in health-related issues, including dental health concerns. One of the more common effects of stress on our teeth is teeth grinding and jaw clenching. For most patients, this happens without them even realizing it. It is…

How Do I Stop Grinding My Teeth?

September 29, 2019 Published by

Frequent headaches and worn and broken teeth can be caused by several factors, but one of the most common sources is teeth grinding, clinically called “bruxism.” Many people don’t realize that they grind their teeth as it often happens while they are sleeping, but it can also happen throughout the…

Q&A: Teeth Grinding

July 25, 2017 Published by

It's the silent dental problem that most patients don't even realize they are suffering from, teeth grinding. Teeth grinding can have detrimental effects on your oral health and some patients don't even realize it is happening, which is why it is important to visit a trusted dentist regularly who can…