Teeth Grinding: What to Know

October 29, 2021 Published by

The stressful events of the last 18 months have often led to an increase in health-related issues, including dental health concerns. One of the more common effects of stress on our teeth is teeth grinding and jaw clenching. For most patients, this happens without them even realizing it. It is…

Do I Have TMJ?

May 31, 2019 Published by

“I have TMJ.” You may have heard someone say this at some point. What they most likely mean is that they are having pain from a disorder of the TMJ system -- the temporomandibular joints. The TMJ is located on either side of your skull and work in tandem for…

Find Relief From TMD

November 8, 2017 Published by

Have you been experiencing headaches in the morning or jaw pain? Many patients live with the symptoms of TMD disorder but don't realize they have a condition that can be easily treated under the care of an experienced dentist. TMJ refers to the temporomandibular joint, which connects the lower jaw to the…

TMJ: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options

November 10, 2015 Published by

Suffering with frequent headaches? Jaw pain? Difficulty chewing? You may have a Temporomandibular disorder (TMD), or bite disorder, commonly called TMJ. TMJ, which means temporomandibular joint, is a dental health condition where the chewing muscles within the mouth are greatly affected in functionality. These are located near the joints between…

Are You Suffering With TMJ?

April 29, 2015 Published by

Frequent headaches, jaw pain, ear pain and a popping jaw that can make chewing difficult are all possible symptoms of a temporomandibular disorder (TMD), usually referred to as TMJ. Patients who suffer from any or all of the above symptoms may not realize that they have a bite disorder until…