COVID-19: Patient Message

March 19, 2020 Published by

COVID 19 PATIENT MESSAGEMarch 30, 2020 Following the recommendations of the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners, Drs. Monroe and Monroe is open for emergency care only until further notice due to the COVID 19 virus.  We are available to manage your dental emergencies. You may call 910-295-4242 to…

The Truth About Sugar and Your Teeth

October 29, 2019 Published by

In today’s world of information from many sources constantly available at our fingertips on the internet, it’s hard to know what to believe. One day you may read that something is bad for your health and while another expert elsewhere on the internet is telling you that’s really nothing to…

How to Stop Halitosis

June 24, 2019 Published by

Bad breath! It can be embarrassing and make you self-conscious about talking to people. But it can happen to anyone. Research shows that 50 percent of adults have had bad breath -- also known as halitosis -- at some point in their lives and those are just the people being…

Fall into Flossing

September 21, 2018 Published by

It’s great that you are already brushing your teeth twice a day. This is an important part of your oral hygiene regimen. Equally important, however, is flossing. Brushing only attacks the bacteria and particles that are easy to reach and remove. This bacteria, in concert with saliva and food particles,…

Identifying and Treating Gum Disease

May 31, 2018 Published by

After brushing or flossing, do you notice bleeding in the gums? If the answer is yes, you may want to schedule an appointment to our Pinehurst, NC dental office. Bleeding gums is one of the most common symptoms of gum disease. Gum disease is a progressive oral health concern that causes an…

Beautiful Smiles With Dental Veneers

March 1, 2017 Published by

Are you looking for a way to enhance your natural smile? If you want a permanent, effective, and quick way to straighten, whiten and repair the overall esthetics of your smile, porcelain veneers may be the dental procedure you are looking for. Dental veneers can correct crooked teeth, cracked or…

The Facts About Sensitive Teeth

December 2, 2016 Published by

Tooth sensitivity is a common dental concern that affects many patients. Tooth sensitivity can be caused by many different factors and can cause discomfort. Pinehurst dentists Dr. Clement and Dr. Kamron Monroe want to test your knowledge on tooth sensitivity. Take this Fact or Fiction dental knowledge quiz on tooth…

Halloween Candy And Your Teeth

October 11, 2016 Published by

The scariest part of Halloween is the damage all that candy does to your teeth! Spooky plaque feeds off sugar, allowing it to rapidly spread and take over your mouth. Plaque buildup can cause gum disease, bad breath, sensitive teeth, and even tooth decay. Remember, plaque build up is like…

Oral Health And Aging

September 13, 2016 Published by

Pinehurst, NC Dentists Dr. Clement Monroe and Dr. Kamron Monroe emphasize the importance of striving to keep your natural teeth healthy for as long as possible to enjoy the best quality of life. Modern advances in both materials and technology in the dental field have made it possible to retain…

Diabetes And Oral Health

May 10, 2016 Published by

Diabetes is quickly becoming one of the most frequently diagnosed systemic diseases for both children and adults. There are a wide range of factors affecting the surge in diabetes, including increased added sugar in the modern American diet, the prevalence of obesity and a more sedentary lifestyle. Although you may…

Make a New Years Resolution For Better Oral Health

January 11, 2016 Published by

Though January 1 is a great time for resolving to eat better, exercise more, and make more time for the things we love, any date on the calendar is a great time to resolve to have better oral health. Whether you need to schedule your routine dental hygiene visit, need…

Maintain Your Dental Health Through The Holidays

December 4, 2015 Published by

The holidays are full of busy days, parties, family memories- and lots of great sweets and goodies that can affect not only our waistline- but our oral health! Pinehurst, NC Dentists Dr. Clement Monroe and Dr. Kamron Monroe offer holiday wishes to all patients- as well as a few quick…

How to Deal with Bad Breath

October 4, 2015 Published by

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is a common complaint and can be caused by a variety of lifestyle habits or health concerns. Dr. Clement Monroe and Dr. Kamron Monroe understand your personal concerns and will take the time during your visit to our Pinehurst, NC office to determine the…

Pregnancy and Oral Health

August 7, 2015 Published by

Pregnancy brings with it many joys and surprises, but it also brings about some health changes. Among the other bodily changes that occur during pregnancy, some changes in your oral health status may occur as well. Hormonal gingivitis is common during pregnancy and can present suddenly with red, swollen gums…

Why Floss Your Teeth Daily?

July 1, 2015 Published by

We all listen carefully during our routine dental visits to the oral hygiene tips that Drs. Clement Monroe and Kamron Monroe and his/her staff offer aimed at preventing tooth decay and other dental problems. We commit to a healthy daily routine as we enjoy our fresh, clean smile! But how…